Friday, December 12, 2014

Prepping for Pregnancy

Kids Activities Blog Prepping for pregnancy

Prepping for pregnancy is usually thought of as a mom-to-be kind of thing. I started eating healthier, being obsessed with the calendar and grabbing everything I could read on the subject.

Did you know that HE can help too?

How Men Can Prep for Pregnancy

Dad-to-be can share in the preparation! I think we often forget about that part in the beginning. But when you think of it, reproductive health is really a team game. He can join in on the diet improvement, calendar obsession and pre-pregnancy research too.

As part of the team plan, Proxeed Plus {Kids Activities Blog sponsor} can help support male reproductive health and sperm quality. It is a patented prenatal male fertility supplement that provides the nutrients needed for developing sperm.

I didn’t even know this product existed!

Proxeed Plus contains 3-4 times more L-carnitine and Acetyl-L-carnitine than other men’s health supplements and is easy to take twice-a-day because it comes in packets of powder that dissolve easily in water, juice, fruit smoothies or any other cold beverage.

It is recommended to take Proxeed Plus for 6 months, but as little as 90 days has been shown to provide benefits.

More Pre-Pregnancy Information

I don’t think I have ever done more research than when I was trying to get pregnant! It felt like I was in the middle of a game where I didn’t quite know all the rules. If you are looking for more information on pre-pregnancy health, check out the Proxeed Plus YouTube channel with great information from Dr. Michael Heard, board certified reproductive endocrinologist.

Where to Buy Proxeed Plus

Proxeed Plus is available for purchase online at Proxeed Plus or by phone at 1-888-Proxeed (776-9333). A one-month supply is two boxes which each contain 30 packets and costs $130.

You can follow online with the #PreppingwithProxeed hashtag for more information about Proxeed Plus.

Proxeed Plus is a patented prenatal male fertility supplement product specifically designed for sperm health.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Proxeed Plus. The opinions and text are all mine.

The post Prepping for Pregnancy appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

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