Monday, March 5, 2018

Plan Spring and Summer Fun with an Ice Cream Scoop List

Hands On As We Grow

Click here to read Plan Spring and Summer Fun with an Ice Cream Scoop List on Hands On As We Grow

Displaying seasonal activities on a list is a great way to fit in family fun. Posting your to-do list on an ice cream scoop list is just plain awesome!

This winter has been rather cold where we live, so we were eager to plan our upcoming spring and summer activities.

To do this, my daughters and I sat down together and talked about what activities we would like to do this spring and summer. As we talked, I wrote them down one at a time on a piece of paper.

We do this twice a year. We combine the spring/summer and fall/winter activities to make it easier.

Having a visible list of activities to do with my daughters makes it easy to have fun even when there isn’t much going on. Plus, it helps accomplish the activities we want to do.

Make an ice cream scoop list to plan your spring and summer family fun

Although we have done this activity a variety of ways, this year my daughters decided they wanted to display our upcoming spring and summer activities the same as we did last year- on ice cream scoops!

Everyone loves ice cream! And it just screams “Summer!”

Make Your Own Spring/Summer Activities on Your Ice Cream Scoop List

Check out the ideas at the bottom of the post for fun activities to put on your ice cream scoop list!

Since my daughters wanted to write our activities on ice cream scoops, I found an ice cream scoop printable on Teacher Help For Parents. I printed out tons of ice cream scoops on different colored pieces of construction paper.

I let my girls pick out paper that matched their favorite flavors. My daughters loved choosing which colors they wanted.

Brown for chocolate, blue for blueberry, yellow for lemon, pink for pink lemonade, and red for strawberry flavored ice cream scoops.

Once everything was printed, my daughters cut out all the ice cream scoops. We also cut out a brown triangle shape to serve as an ice cream cone.

This is great cutting practice!

Make an ice cream scoop spring and summer bucketlist

 After all of the scoops were cut out, they wrote one activity on each ice cream scoop.

Make an ice cream scoop bucket list to plan your family's spring and summer activities

We taped all of the scoops onto a wall using painters’ tape. On a separate nearby wall, we taped the brown ice cream cone just above the floorboard.

Make an ice cream scoop bucket list to plan spring and summer fun!

 As we complete each activity, we will move the completed ice cream scoops from the unfinished wall of activities to the ice cream cone.

At the end of summer, it’s fun to see all of the activities we have done together!

When we switch from spring/summer to fall/winter, we’ll take down our ice cream scoop list. As we take down our scoops, we’ll talk about all the fun we had.

Last year, our ice cream cone scoops ended up being over 4 feet tall!

Make an ice cream scoop list to plan spring and summer fun!

What are some fun ways to display activities to do with your kids?

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