Saturday, April 25, 2015

Super Easy DIY Party Noise Makers

Kids Activities Blog homemade party noise makers

DIY Party Noise Makers are really very simple to make. I know they are cheap to buy, but we actually turned this into a fun activity and learned some things as well while we were making them. It’s a great boredom buster for kids. 

diy party noise makers

DIY Party Noise Makers

1. Get scissors and some straws

2. Start cutting through the straw to make a spiral.

3. Cut at least half of the straw that way.

4. Flatten the other end of the straw with your finger (or scissors)

5. Cut the straw to remove the two slanted ends.

diy party noise makersparty noise makers fun

It will take few tries to master these sound makers. It might help to get a better sound if you tightly squeeze the straw next to your mouth. Experiment with different lengths and sizes of the straws. This will cause various sounds. How about making some holes in the straw tube?

Also go crazy on the decorations. You could tape a paper tube on the straw to make it look bigger and more festive.

homemade party noise makers

Here is the short video if you want to hear it our DIY party sound maker.

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The post Super Easy DIY Party Noise Makers appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

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