Monday, June 22, 2015

2 Simple Tape Activities: What to Do with Lines of Tape

hands on : as we grow

I finally got some colored tape! (affiliate link) I didn’t even have plans for it, but I felt the need to have it for some fun tape activities! We got to it right away.

I taped some fun lines on the floor in three different colors.

A blue zig zag line. A red curvy line. And one straight line in green.

We ended up with two tape activities with this one setup of colored tape.

  1. Walk the line of colored tape.
  2. Blow pom poms along the coordinating color line.

We recently redid this activity again with my preschooler, George. Below are the latest images of George doing the tape activities mixed in with Henry doing the activities a couple of years ago. Henry was 3 at the time when we first did this. George is 4 when we did it again with the new photos below.

Tape is a great tool for activities and learning! Be sure to click over for 25 active learning activities with tape!

What to Do with Just Some Lines of Tape - 2 very simple tape activities can do quickly

Fun Tape Activity: Walk the Line

Simple just walk along the lines of tape.

One foot in front of each other.

lines of tape activities-20150530-8

Following one of the colored lines.

Walking along the lines of tape -- can you get to the end without 'falling' off?

What to Do with Just Some Lines of Tape - 2 very simple tape activities can do quickly

Balancing to stay on your color.

What to Do with Just Some Lines of Tape - 2 very simple tape activities can do quickly

Make it harder by doing it backwards, or even sideways!

Walking along the lines of tape -- how many different ways can you walk along it?

(Blue Dog even got a turn ‘walking the line’!)

What to Do with Just Some Lines of Tape - 2 very simple tape activities can do quickly

Fun Tape Activity: Blow Pom Poms along the Line

Use pom poms in corresponding colors to the tape.

Blow the pom poms down the line with a straw.

2 activities to do with just some lines of tape to keep the kids busy (and moving!)

What to Do with Just Some Lines of Tape - 2 very simple tape activities can do quickly

(Or you could forgo the straw, but they make it really fun!)

Entertaining the kids with some lines of tape Entertaining the kids with some lines of tape

Try your best keeping the pom pom on the line all the way to the end.

What to Do with Just Some Lines of Tape - 2 very simple tape activities can do quickly

Its really harder than you think! Join them!

Have pom pom races! I shared a pom pom racing activity over on PBS Parents using this same technique.

Ultimately. Laugh. Joining in the fun will definitely make you laugh. Enjoy!

2 activities to do with just some lines of tape to keep the kids busy (and moving!)

2 Simple Tape Activities: What to Do with Lines of Tape on

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