Monday, July 20, 2015

Honey Butter Popcorn

Kids Activities Blog honey butter popcorn

There is nothing better than a big bowl of popcorn for family movie night!

But if you are tired of that boring old bag of popcorn, it’s time to try this Honey Butter Popcorn recipe. It has been in our family for years — even the kids can help you make it.

honey butter popcorn

Honey Butter Popcorn

Here’s what you need to make Honey Butter Popcorn:

  • Popcorn (use a bag of plain microwavable popcorn – or make it on the stove top)
  • 1 stick of Butter
  • 1/3 cup Honey

Start with your popcorn.  Make enough for a good sized bowl.

In a small saucepan, melt the butter and honey together.  Stir until it’s completely mixed together. Pour the hot mixture evenly over the popcorn.  Mix the popcorn together with a few serving spoons so it evenly coats the popcorn.

Serve warm and enjoy!

Want to try another flavor? This Snickerdoodle Popcorn is really yummy, too! Or make a Popcorn Rainbow with the leftovers.


The post Honey Butter Popcorn appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

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