Monday, July 27, 2015

Make Your Own Prehistoric Soap

Kids Activities Blog Prehistoric Soap Featured

Around our house we are always making some sort of fun soap. Why you ask? Because it’s one of the easiest crafts to make with kids and it’s extremely useful! I mean who doesn’t use soap right? In my eyes, it’s totally a win-win!

So this week when my son and I were talking about what soap we were going to make next, he mentioned how much he really loved Jurassic World (by the way, it was great so if you haven’t seen it yet- do!) so of course we had to make a soap inspired by the movie and we came up with this Homemade Prehistoric Soap.

With just a few supplies and a about 30 minutes of your time you can have your own soap that looks like it came right out of the Jurassic age!

Prehistoric Soap

Supplies Needed to Make Your Own Prehistoric Soap:

prehistoric soap supplies

How to Make Your Own Prehistoric Soap:

  1. Using your knife, cut your soap base into small cubes and place into your microwave safe cup or bowl. Doing this will help melt the soap evenly.
  2. Place the soap into the microwave and cook on high for 30 seconds. Remove from microwave, stir and repeat until all the soap is melted.
  3. Squeeze 1 drop of red food coloring and 2 drops of yellow food coloring into the melted soap and stir well. This gives you that really cool amber color.prehistoric soap inprocess1
  4. Add your essential oil. You only need about 2-3 drops. Stir well.
  5. Pour your melted soap into each cavity of your silicone mold only filling it about 1/4 of the way full.
  6. Spray the dinosaur skull toys generously with your isopropyl alcohol. If you skip this step, you run the risk of the soap not adhering to the toy and causing a separation. So this step is IMPORTANT.
  7. Place a toy into each cavity where you poured the soap in step 5.prehistoric soap inprocess2
  8. Once your toy is positioned the way you want it, fill the cavities with the remaining melted soap base.
  9. Spray the tops of each cavity with the isopropyl alcohol. Doing this will remove any air bubbles at the surface.
  10. Allow the soaps to harden overnight for best results.
  11. Once they have hardened, removing the soaps is easy. Simply pull the mold away from the sides of the soaps and push from the backside of the mold. The soaps will pop right out.
  12. You can use your soaps immediately. However, if you are not planning on using all the soaps immediately you will need to wrap them in plastic wrap or store in an airtight container until ready for use.
  13. Enjoy!

prehistoric soap final 2

Other than the parts where the soap is actually heated and hot, this is a craft you have your little one’s help you make. Once you get the steps down, it is super simple and you can make your own homemade soap time and time again!

prehistoric soap FB

Want another fun kid-friendly soap idea? Check out this Homemade Bug Soap!


The post Make Your Own Prehistoric Soap appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

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