Monday, August 17, 2015

Apple Cookies – An Easy After School Snack

Kids Activities Blog an afterschool snack apple cookies and sandwiches

Are you looking for quick, easy and filling snacks for your kids to munch on while they do their homework?  I know I love snacks that both my two year old and my 8 year old can enjoy together, and that are a breeze to throw together.

These apple cookies/sandwiches take mere seconds to make and are a great source of brain building energy.

an afterschool snack apple cookies and sandwiches

2 Min Apple Snack

Apple – cut into thick slices.  Cut out the center.  Apples are a great source of fiber, Vitamins A, C and potassium.  And they are sweet!
Peanut butter (or your nut-free equivalent, even cream cheese works).  A source of fat is essential for growing bodies to digest the vitamins they eat!  Protein for long-term energy.
Coconut and Raisins.  These are a fun treat to sprinkle on top.

Cut the center out of the slices, layer with peanut butter and add toppings.  You can either sandwich the slices together or eat them “as a cookie”.

apple cookies tasty and easy to make

Other things we have made sandwiches with:

  • Cinnamon – just sprinkle it over the peanut butter
  • Dark Chocolate Chips – tasty!  Full of antioxidants.
  • Flax Seed – another ingredient that is fun to sprinkle.  It’s got Omega 3’s

Like this after school snack?

Check out our other ideas:

The post Apple Cookies – An Easy After School Snack appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

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