Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Color Sorting Sensory Bag

hands on : as we grow

I created a simple sensory bag with buttons and it turned into a color sorting game for the kids during one of the 7 Day Challenges. The challenge was to make a sensory bag!

The sensory bag is simply just hair gel in a Ziploc bag. You could double bag it to seal it better.

A color sorting sensory bag - great for color recognition and fine motor!

I inserted two colors of buttons into each sensory bag and taped it to the table.

I created two of these so Louis and George could both play with them, but it turned out to be fun for Henry too.

a color sensory bag for toddlers

For Louis’s bag, I just left it as is. He’s still grasping the whole color recognition thing and wouldn’t have the patience to sort the colors.

He simply enjoyed moving the buttons around in the hair gel, loving the sensory experience.

When the older two got a hold of the sensory bags, I added sorting ‘sections’ for each color.

I drew on the baggies with permanent markers. I drew big circles in the corresponding colors of buttons, and wrote the name of the colors as well.

A color sorting sensory bag for learning colors (and a fine motor activity too!)

The kids then pushed the buttons around in the baggy to fit into the correctly colored circles.

A color sorting sensory bag for learning colors (and a fine motor activity too!)

It became quite a fine motor task!

Find more of our fine motor activities for kids.

A color sorting sensory bag for learning colors (and a fine motor activity too!)

They wanted to do it over and over again, so I erased the permanent marker with a Magic Eraser (affiliate link) and drew new sections for them to sort their colors into!

A color sorting sensory bag for learning colors (and a fine motor activity too!)

Find more activities to learn colors:

Color Sorting Sensory Bag on

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