Wednesday, December 16, 2015

DIY Candle Wax Melts

Kids Activities Blog DIY Candle Wax Melts

Today I’m sharing a really fun and easy way to make your own wax melts. You know the little candle wax squares you buy to heat in a candle warmer? You can totally make your own! It’s one of the easiest DIY’s there is and they smell so good.


DIY Candle Wax Melts

You need two things for this DIY, beeswax and essential oil. Beeswax is much better for the environment than traditional paraffin. I always buy these pure white beeswax pellets because they’re easy to measure out and don’t have a yellow tint.

For the oil, I chose Burst because it’s my all time favorite! The citrus smell makes me happy and I feel like this smell is a total mood booster. I’ve used Burst in all sorts of fun DIY’s like shaving cream, and lip balm.



So, use a double broiler or create your own with a bit of water in a small pot and a glass bowl on top. Scoop out 1/3 cup of beeswax pellets into the bowl and slowly melt it. As soon as it’s melted, take it off the burner and quickly add in 15-20 drops of essential oil and mix it with a fork.


You’ll have to pour it really quickly into your mold because beeswax hardens fast. If you it is hardening too fast just put it back on top of the still hot water for a second to warm it again. Then, you can use an old wax melts container to fill with your wax.


Let it sit until it’s hard enough you can move it without spilling, and then pop it in the freezer for about 5 minutes. Voila!



We have something special for you.  A collection of our favorite essential oils at unbeatable prices.  While quantities last, we are featuring our Good Night Deal

Essential Oil Deal

It is a favorite of ours.  A 15 ml bottle of Lavender and an Essentials Diffuser – what a great combination for an amazzzzzzing price while supplies last.

The post DIY Candle Wax Melts appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

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