Thursday, January 7, 2016

3 Questions for a Second Chance at Parenting

Hands On As We Grow

Take a moment to imagine this. Today, unexpectedly, will be your last.

This could very well be the reality. You never know when it could be your last. (I pray that it won’t be.)

How would you feel about your parenting if you were done today?

Hopefully, today won’t be your last and you’ll have years and years of parenting ahead of you. But as a new year comes, it’s a second chance at parenting. New Year’s bring a time for new resolutions for a better life, right?

A fresh, new start. Throwing out all the bad of the past year (because, yes, every year comes with things I regret doing) and remembering the good (making photo books to capture these memories).

This is exactly what FOX’s new show, Second Chance is all about! Second Chance is a thrilling new action-drama about a man brought back to life by two scientists playing god in the quest to save one of their own lives.

I am super excited to work with FOX to promote Second Chance, and even more excited to watch the series premier on January 13, 2016! Here’s the lowdown of what its all about.

Seventy-five-year-old JIMMY PRITCHARD (guest star Philip Baker Hall, “Modern Family,” “Magnolia”) is a shell of his former self. A drinker, a womanizer and a father who always put work before family, Pritchard was forced to resign as L.A. County Sheriff for corrupt conduct more than a decade ago. Now, some 15 unkind years later, he is killed when he stumbles upon a robbery at the home of FBI Agent DUVAL PRITCHARD (Tim DeKay, “White Collar”), one of his two children. But death is surprisingly short for Jimmy, who is brought back to life by billionaire tech-genius twins MARY GOODWIN (Dilshad Vadsaria, “Revenge”) and her brother, OTTO (Adhir Kalyan, “Rules of Engagement”), founders of the social networking empire, Lookinglass.

Resurrected as a younger, better version of himself, with physical abilities of which he never dreamed, a re-animated Pritchard (Rob Kazinsky, “True Blood”) is given a second chance at life. What will he do with it? Will he try to repair the damage he did to his family? Will he embrace a new sense of purpose or fall prey to old temptations.

In the spirit of second chances and having a new shot at life, let’s have a look at what a new shot at parenting would be like for us.

I’m taking a moment to revisit my parenting and asking myself these questions.

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3 questions to revisit your parenting for the upcoming year:

What would I regret not doing (or not doing enough of) with my kids the most?

What isn’t working with my parenting?

What am I most proud of as a parent?

A fresh new start at how I parent. Figuring out what wasn’t working and revising it. And also making note of what is working and doing more of that.

So… take a moment and jot down your answers to those questions. Here are mine.

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What would I regret not doing with my kids the most?

Adventures. Lots and lots of little adventures. I want to do tons of local outings that I normally don’t think we have time for. I want to make more time for these special moments together.

Kisses and hugs. I swear I hug and give my kids kisses all day long. But over and over again, I’ve heard my kids say that they only get hugs and kisses from me at bedtime. So I want to make sure this is something they remember me doing, all the time, because I love them, not just because its bedtime.

More cuddles and laughter. Last year I made it a New Year’s resolution to make the kids have a deep belly laugh every day. I don’t think I did that, and looking back on it now I realized it wasn’t on my radar enough. I want to have more of this in my house. Those deep belly laughs are the best! And I also want to make sure there’s time for cuddles and snuggles at any time of day. Before long, my kids won’t be allowing it anymore.

5 resolutions to make the most of our time with our kids.

my parenting second chance

What isn’t working with my parenting?

My moods. In a moment, my mood can change from good to down-right horrible. And my kids get the brunt of it. I need to keep my moods in check when it comes to parenting and put my best self forward for them.

Yelling. It does nobody really any good. And I mean yelling from an angry place. I always wonder how anyone could go through parenting without raising their voice, I would never, ever be heard, and its not that I ‘yell’ to yell, it’s that they can’t hear me. But angry yelling, makes me feel like crap afterward and really, what did is accomplish? I need to find alternatives, such as joining the Stop Yelling Challenge from Dirt & Boogers.

What am I most proud of as a parent?

Obviously, my kids. But more specifically, I am proud of George’s concern for others, it reminds me that I must be doing something right. I’m proud of Henry’s ambition to work hard, whether its with Dad at the bakery, with Grandpa at the farm, or at home shoveling the driveway, he has a drive to get the job done. I am proud of Louis for making friends at daycare and his excitement towards them.

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Take a moment and jot down your answers. Share them with your significant other if you’re comfortable and even bring your kids into the conversation. They may very well have a completely different view at how your parenting is going.

Second chances like this can come any time you need it to. Just take the moment to re-adjust.

Don’t forget to tune into Second Chances on January 13th on FOX. See if Jimmy uses his new shot at life to do right by his family. And the whole twist of Jimmy and Mary needing each other to survive, literally will be interesting! What a combination, I’m so excited!

What would you do with a second chance?


3 Questions for a Second Chance at Parenting on

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