Monday, January 25, 2016

Learn to Weave & Pattern With a Clothes Basket

Hands On As We Grow

Weaving is a fun concept for kids to learn. I always think of it as a fine motor activity… but really, I think that depends on the size you’re doing it as.

If you do big weaving like we have in the past (on stairs, or on a baby gate), its really not about fine motor control.

What weaving is always about is patterns. In and out, in and out. Over and over again.

My preschooler is always fascinated by it. George loves finding patterns in things. I didn’t point out that weaving is a pattern, George realizes it on his own:

“It’s like a pattern! Mom, see? In, out, in, out! A pattern!”

Learn to weave with a clothes basket

This time we did some weaving on a clothes basket.

And I apologize, our clothes basket is probably from the 80s. It was my husband’s and as far as I know he’s had it his entire life. Hence the vintage yellow color.

I also had a clothes basket for my 3 year old, Louis to weave with.

Learn to weave with a clothes basket

He got the concept! But never wanted to weave more than one length of the basket. He liked removing it and starting over, and over.

Learn to weave with a clothes basket

George, on the other hand loved weaving and decorating the clothes basket. We did it together.

I brought out my tub of ribbons (but, I admit, I’m running low on cute ribbons and need to restock).

Patterns with weaving

Some ribbons were already cut short, so I had George measure them around the clothes basket to see if it was make it around. Which was a fantastic math activity in itself.

Louis heard ‘measure’ and ran to get Henry’s tape measure from his toolbox (a gift I recommend getting, by the way).

Weaving with ribbon, in and out (a pattern activity)

George and I worked together to decorate the clothes basket, weaving ribbons in and out and all the around it until it was full.

Learn to weave (and pattern) with ribbon & a clothes basket

If there was enough ribbon to allow, I’d tie the ends together.

Sometimes a ribbon made it two times around the basket too!

Learn to weave (and pattern) with ribbon & a clothes basket

Find more patterning & weaving activities here:

Learn to Weave & Pattern With a Clothes Basket on

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