Thursday, February 18, 2016

Brown Sugar Iced Latte

Kids Activities Blog Brown sugar iced latte fi

If you like coffee, then you’re going to love our Brown Sugar Iced Latte that you can make right in the comfort of your own home! Homemade makes everything better and you’ll enjoy knowing exactly what goes into this special treat just for Mom. Because you know what Mom? YOU deserve it.

Know what else you deserve? Chocolate Chip Praline Brookies. Just trust us on this one.

Brown sugar iced latte text

Our Brown Sugar Iced Latte is the perfect pick-me-up beverage for Mom after a hard day working or playing with the kids. Plus, its ease to put together is just the cream on top…eeeerr we mean the cream in the latte.

Brown Sugar Iced Latte

Here’s what you need to make Brown Sugar Iced Latte:

  • 1 Tablespoon instant espresso powder
  • 3 Tablespoons brown sugar (plus a little extra to spinkle on top)
  • 4 frozen latte cubes (see instructions below)
  • 6 ice cubes

To make the frozen latte cubes:

You can simply start by freezing a premade latte or make your own. For this, start by heating 2 cups of water to a near boil and adding in 2 tablespoons of instant espresso powder and then stir in your preferred creamer (we like Silk Soy Vanilla creamer-we’ve been told it’s a simplified version of the Silk soy that Starbucks uses for their soy lattes). Pour into an ice cube tray or optional, blend with a little bit of ice and then freeze (this just helps speed up the freezing process and adds a little more water). Freeze until solid and then transfer to a freezer zip bag.

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To make the iced latte:

Add the ice and latte cubes to your blender along with the instant espresso powder and brown sugar.

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Brown sugar iced latte w1

Blend until you hit the consistency you’re looking for. I tend to like my lattes really rich and creamy and, well, to not taste like a coffee beverage, so sometimes I add in a little more cream while blending.

Pour into your favorite glass, dust with a little brown sugar and enjoy!

Brown sugar iced latte square

The post Brown Sugar Iced Latte appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

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