Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Classic Beating on Pots & Pans

Hands On As We Grow

I think each and every one of us grew up banging on our mother’s pots and pans.

But, yet its often forgotten to let our own kids enjoy this simple activity.

Find more simple activities like this here

This is a great first time activity for even babies! See below when I did this activity with George when he was 10 months old.

Louis enjoyed it this time, and he’s three! And this time we added a little bit more sensory exploration to it.

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Let the kids dig out your pots and pans themselves, this is half the fun!

Choose some utensils to play with, again, let the kids pick them out. Louis was super excited about my whisks and ice cream scoop.

I also grabbed a wooden spoon and a plastic measuring cup. Making sure to have a few different materials to bang the pots with: metal, plastic, rubber, and wood.

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Louis happily pounded on the pots to make as much noise as he could.

We tried many different ways of pounding.

Do the different utensils sound different?

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Does is sound different if the pots are upside down?

What if you stack them on top of each other? Do they sound different then?

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What about with your bare hands? Can they make noise?

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Simple version of banging on pots and pans

Awhile back, I posted about a cause and effect activity for some learning baby play, while knocking over block towers.

This time, George made some noise!

I got out the pots and pans and a few utensils.

Toddler Activity: Pots & Pans

George set out to explore these new objects.

He did hit the pots to hear their noise a little, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I anticipated.

Baby Activity: Pots & Pans

Not only do I find this simple activity super fast to put togehter (these are items readily available and absolutely no prep is required), but I love the most is that the child is in charge.

There’s no batteries involved. George explores the objects and learns about them all on his own.

I received a comment on the Block Towers post regarding these non-battery toys that I find necessary to share:

“(…) Many electronic toys that purport to teach music or the alphabet actually just make noise every time the child touches it. This teaches nothing (…)” – DaddyNumberOne

The simple toys are often the most straight forward and obvious items, like these pots and pans, or blocks, or even baby food!

Your child has so much to learn from the simplest of things. Don’t make it complicated.

Classic Beating on Pots & Pans on

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