Monday, March 7, 2016

Galaxy Slime

Kids Activities Blog Galaxy Slime

Galaxy Slime is a fun and colorful way to let kids explore color mixing and spark interest in outer space.

My son loves playing with homemade slime, and we are always looking for ways to make different and interesting recipes. He loved creating the different colors, then watching them mix and spread. And the sparkly star confetti made it even more fun!

Galaxy Slime

How to Make Galaxy Slime

Here’s what you need to make Galaxy Slime:

  • 3 – 6 oz bottles of glitter glue
  • 3/4 cup water, divided
  • 3/4 cup liquid starch, divided
  • silver confetti stars
  • liquid water colors — we used purple, magenta, and teal

Galaxy Slime

Add the glitter glue into a bowl and stir in 1/4 cup of water. Mix well.

Galaxy Slime

Add a few drops of liquid watercolor to create the desired color. Add in the star confetti.

Pour in 1/4 cup liquid starch and stir to combine. The slime will start to separate from the sides of the bowl — remove it from the bowl and knead with your hands until it is no longer sticky and stretches easily.
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Repeat with the remaining colors and ingredients to create three different colors of slime: blue, pink, and purple.

Galaxy Slime

Stretch the layers together to create a gorgeous galaxy effect!

Galaxy Slime

So cool, right? We also really love to play with magnetic slime. There are so many different variations that you can make!

Galaxy Slime

The post Galaxy Slime appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

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