Monday, March 14, 2016

Homemade Gogurt Snack for Kids

Kids Activities Blog Homemade Gogurt

This Homemade Gogurt Yogurt Snack for Kids is one of my favorite things to send in school lunches. With no artificial dyes or sweeteners, it’s much healthier than the store-bought version and my kiddo begs for these every day!

Homemade Gogurt

Homemade Gogurt

Here’s what you need to make Homemade Gogurt:

  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 1 cup plain yogurt
  • A splash of milk
  • Optional: honey to sweeten
  • Zipzicle Snack Bags

Combine the strawberries and yogurt in a blender and mix well. Add milk and blend to reach a pouring consistency.

Use a funnel to pour the yogurt blend into zipzicle snack bags. Our recipe filled four gogurt pouches.

Homemade Gogurt

Yogurt Snack for Kids

You can make homemade gogurt using pretty much any flavor you want — just swap a different frozen fruit for the strawberries. So easy!

Homemade Gogurt Homemade Gogurt

You could also use the sleeves to make veggie popsicles for another healthy snack option! Super yummy!


The post Homemade Gogurt Snack for Kids appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

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