Tuesday, April 26, 2016

8 Places To Visit In North Iceland #AdventureStartsWithMe

Kids Activities Blog http://ift.tt/26rM7wP Icelandic stream

Let the Icelandic adventure continue!

If you read our post about our West Iceland adventure, you could be wondering how on earth anyone so much adventure could happen in one six-day trip?! Well, we owe a lot to Animal Jam, Visit Iceland, and WOW Air for putting together a most adventurous trip !

Animal Jam #AdvetnureStartsWithME sponsor

Our entire trip itinerary is a wonderful resource for anyone planning a trip to Iceland!

WOW Air, Icelandic Airline

If you want to hit the top of Iceland’s must-sees… check it out that itinerary here!

8 Places To Visit In North Iceland

8 Places To Visit in North Iceland

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1) Make unexpected stops! We stopped to view the Deildartunguhver hot springs a short time after we left Hotel Husafell. Our Grayline driver did an outstanding job making sure we took the time we needed to really discover Iceland.

Iceland Hot Springs

However,  we couldn’t stay long… we had a hot date known as seal spotting!

2) Stop by  Icelandic Seal Centre! 

Boat at Icelandic Seal Center

We arrived  in Hvammstangi and took a tour of the Icelandic Seal Centre where we learned about the seals of Iceland.

3) Have lunch at Sjavaborg in Hvammstangi. The restaurant is just around the corner from the Seal Center, so it was convenient! Intersting fact: the restaurant was originally a slaughterhouse. Talk about a conversion!KAB_restaurant

The food was not only beautiful, but delicious.

Lunch at Sjavaborg

4) Go seal spotting!
SPotting seals in North Iceland, through binoculars

It is likely you will see a seal or two, but it is certain you will experience the most BREATHTAKING VIEWS…



Whether looking toward water, or looking toward land… the beauty of the landscape just left everyone breathless.

Icelandic stream



Friends… North Iceland has SO much to do. Kids would have NO TIME to get bored on this road trip.

5) Visit hidden retreats. We wrapped-up our day of adventure at  Heydalur.


Heydalur is tucked away… it’s like heading to that off-the-beaten-path location that only in-the-know-insiders often know. It’s fairly remote, with a distinctive remote charm. It was at Heydalur I discovered this region’s passion for salt! Well, it’s sea salt, but this particular salt is produced with Iceland’s most impressive geothermal energy – Saltverk.

Something else about Iceland… DOGS. They love their dogs and their was seldom a location we didn’t see or get greeted by a happy, friendly dog!


We were hoping to catch the Northern Lights during our visit to Heydalur, but it just didn’t happen. The sky was clear, but… you just never know! When you head to Iceland someday, use this site to help you anticipate key viewing times. However, it was fun, standing outside, bundled up, chatting with friends, looking at the stars… IN A REMOTE AREA OF ICELAND.

6) Visit the Arctic Fox Centre! The following day, we left Heydalur and headed to Suovik to visit the Arctic Fox Centre.

Arctic Fox Center, Iceland

I found it fascinating to learn not all arctic foxes are white.

The arctic fox

There are also gray(ish) ones who tend to live along the coastal areas.

Arctic Foc Center, Iceland

Their dark coloring is great camouflage against the rocky coast terrain. Once we got our fill of arctic fox time and information, we enjoyed some coffee talk with the Mayor of Suovik (apparently he visits the Fox Centre most days for coffee)…

Mayor of Suovik

The bonus? I bought an assortment of salts made with geothermal energy at the gift store!

7) Go to the quaint village of Isafjordur and plan an adventure with Borea Adventures. After our visit to the Arctic Fox Center we ventured off to Isafjordur for lunch at Braeoaraborg.

Braeoaraborg Restaurant, Iceland

Isafjordur, Iceland

If you ask me if I added salt to my bread at lunch I would have to say. YES! I also had the most delightful soup. I wish I could remember what kind it was…

Braeoaraborg Restaurant, Iceland

And soup, bread, and salad were the perfect pre-funk to the afternoon’s upcoming boat ride to Kviar Lodge on the Hornstrandir Nature Reserve  with Borea Adventures.

Borea Adventures, Iceland

I have used the word “magical” a few times in my descriptions of this trip, but I can’t think of a better word for this excursion.

It was just magical.


I’ve never been in a place anything like it. I’ve never had such a journey… a rainbow on the way out and on the way back it. It was truly magical and if this trip had the most perfect bow to wrap it up in – this would be it.

We visited The Kviar Lodge on the Hornstrandir Nature Reserve. The house was built in 1920! They are just beginning restoration work on this home that drops you way back in time…

Kviar Lodge, Hornstrandir nature Reserve, Iceland

Kviar Lodge, Iceland

We had to take a dingy from the boat to the shore.

Adventure, adventure, adventure!

Kviar Lodge, Hornstrandir nature Reserve, Iceland

This is the view from just behind the lodge…

Kviar Lodge, Hornstrandir nature Reserve, Iceland

When returned back to the harbor in Isafjordur, we headed to our hotel, Hotel Isafjordur for dinner! Add that restaurant to yet ANOTHER culinar win for Iceland!

8) Go to a horse show! We waved farewell to Isafjordur and departed for the Gauksmyri Horse Farm. While there we were treated to unlimited hot coffee and more Icelandic horse bonding…


and A HORSE SHOW! At the show they demonstrated their five gaits: the walk, trot, tölt, gallop, and pace.


The Icelandinc horse is the only with the tölt and pace gaits. Plus, the Icelandic horse in smaller, so not as scary to mount.  Another interesting fact about these horses are… they do not allow ANY importing of horses. Therefore, their breed is quite pure, and quite disease free.

We spent our final night at Gauksmyri . It was such a lovely place to relax and get ready for the long trip home.

Not that any of us wanted to go home.

So what do think of these 8 places to visit in North Iceland?!

It has been so fun sharing my adventures in Iceland with my kids. It’s been fun to share stories and describe the things I was able to do. I love answering their questions and dreaming with them what WE would do if we all went. As a mom, I believe it is so important to inspire a spirit of adventure in our kids. I believe it is good for them to watch me do new things and model to them that adventure knows no age nor limit!

Why the hashtag? We visited Iceland as guests of Animal Jam and Visit Iceland. Why would an online game for kids want to drag a bunch of bloggers to one of the most remote parts of Iceland? Have you heard the phrase “If I can see it, I can be it”? In short, if your kids see you take on new experiences and that YOU are constantly learning new things, they will do the same. Thus the #AdventureStartsWithMe hashtag.

Hi! My name is Jenny Ingram (of Jenny On The Spot blog).

Jenny On The Spot and an Icelandic Horse

I had the privilege of adventuring for Kids Activities Blog in Iceland recently. For many years I have wanted to take a road trip across the United States… I never would have imagined I would first get to take a road trip across Iceland… at least West and Northern Iceland!

Trip Sponsors:

Animal Jam

Visit Iceland


About Animal Jam

Animal Jam is a safe and exciting online playground for kids who love animals and the outdoors. Players create and customize their own animal characters and dens, chat with friends, adopt pets, team up for adventures, and feed their curiosity about animals and the natural world around them. Created in partnership with National Geographic, Animal Jam features classic playground role playing infused with the life sciences. Players can collect fun facts in their journey books, learn about Animal Conservation in Kimbara Outback, and talk to real scientists, like herpetologist Dr. Brady Barr and marine biologist Dr. Tierney Thys. Join the fun for free at animaljam.com!

The post 8 Places To Visit In North Iceland #AdventureStartsWithMe appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

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