Saturday, April 2, 2016

One-Pan Breakfast Potatoes & Eggs

Kids Activities Blog One Pan Breakfast Potatoes & Eggs

Do you enjoy breakfast for dinner? I do! I love breakfast for dinner — whether it’s pancakes, eggs & bacon or this One-Pan Breakfast Potatoes & Eggs recipe.

It combines all of our breakfast favorites — eggs, bacon, onions and potatoes!

One Pan Breakfast Potatoes & Eggs

And when you bring these ingredients together — it’s perfection!

Here’s what you need to bring this masterpiece together:

One-Pan Breakfast Potatoes & Eggs


  • 1 large Red Potatoes, diced
  • 1/2 medium Onion, chopped
  • 4 slices Bacon, diced
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 tablespoons Canola Oil
  • Salt & Pepper to taste


  • Heat up the canola oil in a large skillet
  • Cook the potatoes until almost done, then add the onions
  • Season with salt & pepper
  • In a separate pan, cook the bacon and dice up into bite-size pieces
  • Add the cooked bacon to the skillet
  • Whisk together the two eggs in a separate bowl
  • Pour the eggs into the skillet and let the eggs scramble with the rest of the ingredients
  • Serve


One Pan Breakfast Potatoes & Eggs

This recipe starts with the potatoes. Heat up the canola oil in a large skillet. Add the potatoes. You will cook the potatoes until almost done, then add the onions and a little salt & pepper.

While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the bacon in a separate pan. Then dice up the bacon into bite-size pieces.

One Pan Breakfast Potatoes & Eggs

Add the bacon to the potatoes and onion.

One Pan Breakfast Potatoes & Eggs

Whisk the eggs together in a separate bowl.

Then add the eggs to the skillet. These will scramble on their own.

One Pan Breakfast Potatoes & Eggs

Once the eggs are done, you can serve your One-Pan Breakfast Potatoes & Eggs!

Enjoy with a little toast and glass of milk!

The post One-Pan Breakfast Potatoes & Eggs appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

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