Monday, July 25, 2016

Play Dough Suncatcher Craft

Hands On As We Grow

There is just something about play dough. Kids love it.

They love to build with it, create with it, and mold it.

This play dough suncatcher craft is a unique twist on traditional play dough use. And it’s one that the kids will remember making for a long time!

Which the play dough also got the kids working on fine motor skills at the same time.

Suncatchers are so much fun for kids to make! Looking for more ideas? Try this one.

Easy Play Dough Suncatchers

Play dough suncatcher craft for kids

Materials you’ll need to make a play dough suncatcher craft:

  • Clear plastic lids
  • Play Dough
  • String (yarn or plastic cording also works)

Use colorful play dough to make a play dough suncatcher craft with the kids.

It’s pretty easy to make these play dough suncatchers. We used recycled plastic lids that came from yogurt containers.

You’ll want to use play dough in bright colors to capture the light.

We used little pots of play dough from our local dollar store, but you could use homemade play dough as well. The colors of the play dough remind me of this colorful suncatcher.

I set out the lids and balls of play dough on a large cutting board.

I showed my kids how to pull little bits of play dough from the larger balls and press it into the lids. We used an index finger to press and smear the dough into a thin layer on the plastic lid.  Then, simply add more colors.

Try to press the colors into each other for a swirly effect. It will look great in a sunny window!

Also try this colorful suncatcher craft.

Next, cut a four inch piece from string or plastic cording and press it into the play dough. Add a bit of play dough to the top and press gently to secure. Allow the suncatcher to dry overnight and then hang it in a window.

Use play dough and a recycled plastic lid to make a stunning play dough suncatcher craft with the kids!

Fine Motor Skills that kids are learning:

There are many fine motor skills that an activity like this one can address.

  • Finger Isolation: Pressing the play dough into the lid with an index finger promotes finger isolation.  This fine motor skill is needed for tasks such as manipulating a pencil when writing, using one finger at a time in order to type on a keyboard, or using the fingers in tasks such as shoe tying.
  • Hand Strength: Pulling small bits of play dough from a ball of dough promotes intrinsic muscle strength of the hands.  Pulling play dough provides a resistance and strengthens the muscles of the hands for improved endurance in activities like coloring or managing buttons.
  • Bilateral Coordination: To press the dough into the lid of the suncatcher, a child will have to hold the lid with one hand (their non-dominant and assisting hand) while performing a dexterity task with their dominant hand.  Bilateral coordination is a skill that allows us to use both hands together in a coordinated manner.

This play dough suncatcher craft is easy to make and a fun way to work on fine motor skills.

Play dough suncatcher craft uses playdough and builds fine motor skills.

Aren’t these play dough suncatchers colorful?

Let me know if you make them at home!

Play Dough Suncatcher Craft on

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