Thursday, December 29, 2016

Ziploc Fudge in a Baggie

Kids Activities Blog Ziploc Fudge in a Baggie

Ziploc Fudge in a baggie is one of my favorite treats to make because it is just what it sounds like — fudge made in a ziplock baggie!

My son loves to help make it. He’s an expert at squishing all the ingredients together to create this creamy fudge.

Ziploc Fudge in a Baggie

Ziploc Fudge in a Baggie

Here’s what you need to make Ziploc Fudge in a Baggie:

  • 1/2 cup of butter
  • 4 oz cream cheese
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2/3 c unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 lb. powdered sugar
  • 1 gallon-sized Ziploc bag

Cover a plate with aluminum foil and set aside.

In the Ziploc bag, combine the butter, cream cheese and vanilla. Squish the bag to mix well. Add the cocoa powder and powdered sugar and squish to mix.

Scoop the fudge onto the paper plate and allow to harden. I like to put mine in the freezer to speed up the process.

Cut and serve!

Ziploc Fudge in a Baggie Ziploc Fudge in a Baggie

This fudge would be an awesome gift idea with some homemade candy treats.


The post Ziploc Fudge in a Baggie appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

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