Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Simple Sorting Activity When You’re in a Pinch

Hands On As We Grow http://ift.tt/2knjSi4

Click here to read Simple Sorting Activity When You’re in a Pinch on Hands On As We Grow

When you’re in a pinch for something to do with your kids, try a simple sorting activity! Use anything you have!

We happened to have pom poms, in lots of different colors and sizes.

You could sort buttons, blocks, even paper!

This simple sorting activity is an easy way to entertain the kids in a pinch!

I grabbed a couple containers quickly when Louis wanted to do an activity and I had nothing in mind to do yet. (If that’s the case for you, consider joining The Activity Room so you have new activity ideas each week!)

The containers were nothing special… I had a couple bowls left out from the last birthday party and the pom poms were already in this index card box. Perfect for a simple sorting activity.

While I was grabbing the pom poms, I also grabbed a clothespin. This is totally optional. You could also use a spoon (which would be super fun – we’ve gotta try that), or tweezers, kid’s chopsticks (affiliate link), or even just their own fingers!

This simple sorting activity is an easy way to entertain the kids in a pinch!

I set a bowl on each side of the ‘main’ container of pom poms and asked Louis to sort the pom poms for me.

At first I didn’t give him any guidance on how to sort and let him figure out how he wanted to do it.

He sorted the big, big pom poms into one bowl and the little pom poms into the other.

This simple sorting activity is an easy way to entertain the kids in a pinch!

After a while, there became discussion on what is considered to be a ‘big’ pom pom.

And then it became a goofy game for Louis to not sort it the right way.

Little did he know, that clothespin he was using was working his fine motor skills.

Here are 30 more Fine Motor Activities for Toddlers.

This simple sorting activity is an easy way to entertain the kids in a pinch!

Louis also got into seeing how high he could hold the pom pom up to drop it into the bowl. Reminded me of our string in a cup game. Have you tried that?

What’s your favorite simple activity to do in a pinch?

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