Thursday, February 23, 2017

Sugar Tie Dye Shirts

Kids Activities Blog Sugar Tie Dye Shirt

With the weather warming up, we are ready to start getting outside and having fun. What better way than to make sugar tie dye t-shirts?!

This activity is especially fun for kids because they get to sprinkle the sugar to make their own design. You can do a themed design, like when we made Fourth of July tie dye t-shirts, or just go with rainbow tie dye colors.

We used our favorite kitchen ingredient — Imperial Sugar — for this activity. We love partnering with them to bring you fun activities and projects that you can do with your kids.

Sugar Tie Dye Shirt

Sugar Tie Dye T-Shirts

How to Make Sugar Tie Dye T-Shirts:

  • White t-shirt
  • Cardboard
  • Imperial Sugar
  • Tie Dye Kit (We used a spray tie dye kit)
  • Cold Water
  • Paper Towels

Sugar Tie Dye

Place cardboard inside the shirt to prevent the colors from bleeding through.

Use a damp paper towel to outline your design onto the shirt. We made diagonal lines across the shirt.

Sprinkle Imperial Sugar along the damp design — anywhere the sugar is located, your shirt will remain white.

Follow the instructions on your tie dye kit to add color to the shirt. We used a spray kit to spray the color directly onto the shirt. It was so easy and I love how the colors turned out!

Sugar Tie Dye Shirt

Allow the colors to dry. Rinse the sugar off in cold water and allow the shirt to dry. Be sure to set the colors if your tie dye kit requires it.

Sugar Tie Dye Shirt

Fun, right?! Don’t miss these colorful tie dye projects for kids.

Sugar Tie Dye Shirt

Sugar is for More Than Baking!

I love that this project uses sugar because it is totally different from many other tie dye projects out there. Sugar is so versatile which is why I always keep a nice big bag around at home!

You can visit the Imperial Sugar website for additional crafts, recipes, and gift ideas!


The post Sugar Tie Dye Shirts appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

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