Thursday, May 25, 2017

5 Tips to Get Back to Doing Activities

Hands On As We Grow

Click here to read 5 Tips to Get Back to Doing Activities on Hands On As We Grow

How do you get motivated to do activities again after getting out of a rhythm?

This month, we are chatting with Svenja, a member of The Activity Room.

She is a working mom in a place that is winter more often than it’s not. The weather plays it’s toll on them and gives a lot of ups and downs.

Before we get into chatting with Svenja, I want to give you a few tips on how to find motivation to do activities after you’ve ‘fallen off the activity bandwagon’.

How to find the motivation to do activities with your kids... again!

5 tips that will help you get the motivation to do activities with your kids:

  1. Remember why you want to do activities in the first place. Do you want to help them learn? Do you want to create memories? Create a special bonding time? What is your reason for it?
  2. Do simple activities. Go to the playground. A trip to the library. (Yes, these count and help you get back on track!) Or start with any of our simple activities.
  3. Set a goal for the next week only. Make it a priority to find the time to do 1, 2, 5 activities (however many it is that you want to do).
  4. Find an accountability buddy. Tell them what you want to do, as well as WHY you want to do it. And report to them what you’re doing. Reciprocate this for them on something they’d like help doing.
  5. Go easy on yourself. We all get off track at some point, and some more often than others. It’s the way of life. Just remember your reason why (post it somewhere!) and know that you’re on the right track.

Also, in The Activity Room this July, we will be revisiting one of my favorite monthly themes, “Finding time for activities”. I find this small act of jotting down times you have available to helpful in sticking with it. And our routines change over time, so it’s very important to revisit this tool when that happens.

Let’s hear from Svenja!

How to find the motivation to do activities with your kids... again!

How many kids do you have? I have two boys, 2 year old and a soon-to-be 5 year old.

How long have you been in The Activity Room? Since June 2016

What is your favorite activity you’ve done in The Activity Room? The Fizzing Color Experiment.

(We are celebrating Svenja’s favorite activity. The Fizzy Color Experiment is the activity of the day on May 9th in The Activity Room.)

What’s your favorite thing to do with your kids when you get a few moments? Reading a book or doing some crafts.

What’s your best tip for doing activities with your kids? Don’t expect too much from yourself, it’s next to impossible to do an activity every day. The more I cut back on my expectations the easier I got around to do activities.

Share your favorite quote: “Mum, can we do that again really really soon?”

Listen to our live video chat about getting back into activities.

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