Saturday, May 27, 2017

Firefly Craft

Kids Activities Blog

We are  so excited about summer! Whether enjoying  crazy cool activities  or  making easy crafts like this  Wooden Spoon Garden Craft, we are ready to play, create, and learn with our kids in the sun.

Shared below is an easy summer firefly craft, perfect for older kids who like to keep busy.  It’s adorable, requires minimal supplies, and is perfect for home, camp, or school.

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Firefly Craft for Kids

This  sweet summer craft is perfect for older kids who are able to use a hot glue gun. A hot glue gun isn’t necessary for this craft, but it makes it easier.

Supplies and Directions:

  • Wooden craft spoons
  • Black and lime green tissue paper
  • Mod Podge and a brush
  • Bubble wrap
  • Googly eyes
  • Black twine or yarn
  • Black construction paper
  • Hot glue and a hot glue gun
  • Scissors
  • Silver or white permanent marker

RELATED: Catch Fireflies for Classic Summer Fun


After gathering your supplies, use scissors to cut the green and black tissue paper into small 1 inch squares.


Use a paintbrush and Mod Podge to decoupage the squares onto the thin end of the craft spoon. When finished, attach a couple googly eyes to the wet Mod Podge and place the craft spoon into a clothespin to dry.


While the firefly  is drying, use scissors to cut the shape of wings from the bubble wrap and black construction paper. Then use Mod Podge and a brush to decoupage the other end of the firefly. Allow it to dry completely propped up in a clothespin.


Fold the bubble wrap wings horizontally and secure the fold with a dot of hot glue. Attach the bubble wrap wings and the black wings to the back of the firefly  with hot glue. Use the hot glue gun to secure 2 black twine antennae to the firefly.

Use a silver or white permanent marker to make a smiley face on the firefly.

Isn’t it cute! If desired, glue a loop of black twine to the back of the firefly so you can use it as a Christmas ornament this winter!

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If you liked this craft, you may also enjoy:

Pinecone Firefly

Pinecone Firefly

The post Firefly Craft appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

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