Monday, July 31, 2017

On-The-Go Geoboard Using Food Pouch Caps

Hands On As We Grow

Click here to read On-The-Go Geoboard Using Food Pouch Caps on Hands On As We Grow

Are you going on a family trip, out to dinner, or to an important event? This DIY geoboard from Alisha is a great way to keep the kids entertained on-the-go.

Having some on-the-go activities is a great way to keep your kids occupied, while still being hands-on and advancing their learning.

This homemade geoboard is the perfect on-the-go activity that upcycles two common household items; a travel baby wipes container and food pouch caps, to create a fun and engaging hands-on activity for your kids. It’s a great tool to work on fine motor skills, shape recognition and formation, counting, and creativity (whew!).

Here are 25 Busy Bag Ideas for On-the-Go 

On-the-Go Geoboard Using Food Pouch Caps

You only need six supplies for this DIY geoboard:

  • A baby wipes travel container (affiliate link)
  • Rubber bands, preferably in assorted sizes (affiliate link)
  • 8 recycled food pouch caps (start collecting!)
  • Felt or cardstock
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun and glue

Geoboard Supplies

The first step is to find that baby wipes container probably hiding in the bottom of a drawer (if not, there are some super cute kid-themed ones out there!)

Then collect and wash eight food pouch caps, I used the caps from my kids’ applesauce pouches.

Food Caps Activities

Grab your glue gun and let it warm up while you’re positioning the caps evenly on the bottom of the baby wipes container (just move them around until you feel comfortable with the spacing).

Once your glue gun is ready (carefully) place some glue on the bottom of each cap and secure them onto the bottom of the baby wipes container (in the same spacing as practiced).

I’d love to say that the caps will stay glued forever, but they may pop off after awhile; so I would use a little extra glue and press firmly.

Baby Wipes Container Geoboard

Now you need to make a pouch to hold the rubber bands.

I used a piece of felt that I cut the size of a small envelope (make sure the size will fit on the inner lid of your baby wipes container with a little wiggle room).

Felt Pouch Sizing

After you have cut your felt, get your hot glue gun and place some glue along the top of the felt.

Fold down the top to make a flap, like an envelope. This will make the top of the pouch more sturdy.

Folding the Geoboard Pouch

Then place some glue along the sides and bottom on the back of the felt.

Once the glue is on, carefully stick your felt pouch onto the underside of lid.

Hint: leave a little slack in the pouch so that little hands can easily get the rubber bands in and out.

On-the-Go Geoboard Using Food Pouch Caps

Once everything is cooled and secure, grab a good amount of rubber bands in varying sizes and colors.

I recommend that you try out the geoboard first, to make sure that everything is secure.

Then, give your kids a chance to practice so that this activity is familiar to them when you are on-the-go.

Homemade Geoboard for Math

My kids found it fun to put the rubber bands on and to also take them off and put them back in the pouch.

I recommend teaching your kids how to use the rubber bands and then put them back as well.

Also, if you have multiple kids, you may want to make more than one case (maybe in different colors?).

A great place to store your new DIY geoboard is in a travel bag, a seat pocket in the car, or even in your purse.

On-the-Go Geoboard from Caps

Just pull it out whenever needed and let the learning fun begin!


Here are some additional on-the-go and travel activities:

Busy Bag Activities

Traveling Activities 

Road Trip Bingo

Here are some more ideas for Geoboards:

Making Art with Geoboards from Artful Parent

Muffin Tin Geoboard from And Next Comes L

What are some other on-the-go activities that you have used?

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