Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Make Your Own Reading-Inspired Activity with Audible

Hands On As We Grow

Click here to read Make Your Own Reading-Inspired Activity with Audible on Hands On As We Grow

We love to read and listen to books together as a family. There are so many benefits to reading together as a family. An increase in bonding, fostering a love of books, and building basic literacy skills are just a few!

One of my favorite things to do with a new book is to create a reading activity to go with it. It reinforces our learning experience and lets us be hands on with anything — even reading!

You could create a craft, a sensory activity or even plan a meal around a book.

I thought it would be fun to have a dessert-themed evening based on our current book and have my kids bake in the kitchen with me!

What a great idea! Make your own reading activity with audiobooks from Audible.

We chose a fun audiobook from our partner, Audible, to keep things simple and stress free. We love audiobooks and Audible makes it so easy (and entertaining!) for us to enjoy.I find that their unmatched selection of titles has something for all of our individual interests. (So I’m extra grateful for their rating system to help me narrow down my options!)

We often listen to audiobooks while traveling but we have never done so while baking in the kitchen. My boys were very excited about the idea!

If you have never used Audible, it is a very user-friendly service that connects to your account. Simply download the app, search your title or general category and choose a title. You can explore Audible with a 30-day trial with free download.

What a great idea! Make your own reading activity with audiobooks from Audible.For our dessert themed evening, we chose the book “Blueberries for Sal” to listen to. It is such a classic and I knew that both my boys would enjoy it even though they are different ages.

After we listened to the book together, I had my boys help prep the ingredients for our reading activity (blueberry muffins). They love to help in the kitchen whenever they can. It encourages independence, creates a sense of accomplishment and is also a great learning activity for them!

What a great idea! Make your own reading activity with audiobooks from Audible.

Baking the blueberry muffins allowed them to put their fine motor skills to use while practicing their procedural skills.

What a great idea! Make your own reading activity with audiobooks from Audible.

My seven-year-old loved separating the ingredients into the measuring cups and cracking the eggs while my four-year-old loved pouring and mixing the ingredients.

They both loved the job of “taste testers” along the way!

Here are more ideas for kids to explore the sense of taste.

What a great idea! Make your own reading activity with audiobooks from Audible.

While we baked, I replayed the book in the background. I love listening to books more than once because we always pick up new and fun details that we missed the first time!My boys enjoyed listening to the story of Sal and his adventures with picking blueberries. But they really loved becoming a part of the story… and enjoying a treat at the end!

What a great idea! Make your own reading activity with audiobooks from Audible.

Thanks so much for inspiring our reading activity, Audible. We can’t wait to read a new book and plan our next themed evening!Now it’s your turn! Which audiobook will you choose with your 30-day trial with free download?

Which Audible story will you read during your family-themed evening?

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Audible. The opinions and text are all mine.

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