Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Make Your Own Safari Adventure Binoculars

Hands On As We Grow http://ift.tt/2v3zApq

Click here to read Make Your Own Safari Adventure Binoculars on Hands On As We Grow

Each month we feature one of our members from The Activity Room along with their favorite activity… and often they give us their own creations. I love that!

Today’s pretend play activity comes from the creative mind of Haley, our member of the month for August. Haley is a sweetheart that gives her friendship, encouragement, and accountability to other members in our members-only Facebook group.

This safari binoculars craft would be so fun for pretend play.

Haley often shares her own activities in our Activity Room Facebook group, but I am always extra pleased when I see her name popping up supporting other members when they share their activities. Whether they have questions and need help, or just want to share the fun they had, she’s happy to reach out.

If you haven’t noticed, in our Member of the Month series, a common thread is accountability to be present with our kids and that’s what we aim to provide in The Activity Room.

This safari binoculars craft from Haley is smart because it not only gets her kids hands on in the creation process, but gives them a tool for hours of pretend play! I’ll get to the super-simple how-to in a minute. But first…

Let’s Meet Haley!

This safari binoculars craft would be so fun for pretend play.

How many kids do you have and how old are they?

3 kids-ages 4 (boy) and 2 year old twins (boy and girl)

How long have you been in The Activity Room?

I joined early last fall (2016) I think, so about 10 months or so

What is your favorite activity you’ve done in The Activity Room?

That’s hard to say. My kids love love love pasta sorting and water play (with colors and cups). They also love spray bottle anything and any of the obstacle courses. I personally enjoy the crafts (anything I can hang on our walls) or the alphabet learning activities.

What’s your favorite thing to do with your kids when you get a few moments?

Be outside! We love to go on nature hikes and explore our area. We also enjoy reading.

What’s your best tip for doing activities with your kids?

Do it when you can. Don’t fret if you can’t do it every day, just do it when you can. Your child will enjoy spending the time with you, even if it isn’t every day. If you get in a rut and fall out of a routine of doing activities, you can always start fresh. The blog has wonderful ideas and Jamie and her team send us great reminders packed with interesting and creative activities.

Share your favorite quote:

Right now we live our life minute by minute and that’s ok. I am a planner, but have to roll with it and be flexible with our schedule and activities, based on the kids. Because of that I would say “Carpe Diem!” or “why not?”.

And now for Haley’s clever activity idea!

Make your own safari binoculars!

Make binoculars and go on a nature walk (I mean, safari!) to look for wild animals.

To make your binoculars, you’ll need:

  • 2 toilet paper tubes
  • hot glue or tape
  • hole puncher
  • string or yarn
  • paint, stickers, or other decorations (optional)

This safari binoculars craft would be so fun for pretend play.

Position two toilet paper tubes together, side by side the long ways and hot glue them together (or tape around both tubes).

If you don’t have toilet paper tubes, you can use a light cardboard (like a cereal box), roll it and tape it to secure.

Punch a hole in the top right and top far left corner and tie yarn around to make the strap. Decorate with stickers, glitter, paint, or other.

If your kids are younger, let them take on the decorating while you do the majority of the assembly. Painting is fun for them and something they can do (mostly) without help.

Then go on a nature walk with your binoculars!

This safari binoculars craft would be so fun for pretend play.

Older kids can extend this activity by taking doing all of the assembly, and even taking notes of what they find with their binoculars.

Or, try pairing this with this scavenger hunt printable for an easy checklist of things to spot with your binoculars.

Go on a walk and see what you might find, or go on a pretend safari hike inside if the weather is bad.

Haley’s activity is featured in the September 2017 activity plans provided inside The Activity Room membership. Each month I feature a new or favorite activity from one of our members, along with other brand new and classic activities already planned for your whole month.

Ready to join The Activity Room?

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