Thursday, September 21, 2017

A No-Stress Philosophy for Doing Activities with Kids

Hands On As We Grow

Click here to read A No-Stress Philosophy for Doing Activities with Kids on Hands On As We Grow

Something I love the most about being in the online world is meeting people from all over the world.

What always amazes me is the similarities between all of us. We’re all parents trying to be more active and involved with children during their childhood, to make the most of the little time that it is.

In The Activity Room, (our monthly activity planning group) we have members from all over the world; I believe we touch the major 6 continents. It’s quite the feeling to see moms from all over the world doing our simple activities with their kids, getting the same joy that I do.

Our Member of the Month shares her no-stress approach to doing activities.

Sometimes we’ll find that certain supplies aren’t available in different areas of the world and we need to make adjustments for those. Our private members-only Facebook group is fantastic to run those ideas by each other.

This month I’m highlighting Vicky, an international member of The Activity Room.

Vicky is an active member from England and before interviewing her, I had no idea she wasn’t from the States. (You’ll notice in her answers the spelling differences.)

I love Vicky’s attitude toward doing activities — do what you can, and as long as they have fun. Isn’t that the point, anyway?

Let’s meet Vicky and her kids!

How many kids do you have and how old are they?

Two girlies. The eldest is 3.5 years and the youngest is 10 months.

Our Member of the Month shares her no-stress approach to doing activities.

How long have you been in The Activity Room?

Since June of 2017

What is your favorite activity you’ve done in The Activity Room?

My girl’s favourite activity she has done so far is chalk painting (water painting chalk lines) and sticking pins in potatoes!

What’s your favorite thing to do with your kids when you get a few moments?

I love reading with them and listening to music and having boogie!

What’s your best tip for doing activities with your kids?

Get more organised at the beginning of the month.

If you don’t have time to pick up some extra bits ‘n’ bobs needed, then just circle the activities you can do!

Also, sometimes they don’t want to do the activity because they want to do something else with what you’re using. Roll with it and see where it goes.

As long as they have fun!

Share your favorite quote:

“Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies.” – Edna St. Vincent Millay

Vicky’s Pom Pom Sorting Activity

Vicky has been amazing at sharing the activities she does from our monthly activity plans! She keeps right on target.

I absolutely loved her pom pom sorting photos that she shared with us!

Our Member of the Month shares her no-stress approach to doing activities.

Set out a muffin tin (or an egg carton works well for this too), along with pom poms of different colors (and sizes too!) and a set of tongs. For even greater fine motor practice, try it with clothespins!

Using the tongs to pinch and grasp a pom pom, place it in the muffin tin.

Kids can sort it by colors, and by size if they desire!

Our Member of the Month shares her no-stress approach to doing activities.

Kids often will just do this without prompting, so let them decide how they want to sort them out.

The bonus is the fine motor coordination of squeezing the tongs to hold onto the pom pom and then letting it go when they want it to. This might take some practice, but they’ll get the hang of it.

Ready to join us in The Activity Room?

Learn more our monthly activity plans here.

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