Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Tips for Traveling with Kids for the Holidays

Hands On As We Grow

Click here to read Tips for Traveling with Kids for the Holidays on Hands On As We Grow

Thanksgiving and Christmas, probably the two most traveled times of the year. Especially as a family… which usually means road trips!I know with having three boys in the van for our trips, things can sometimes get a little hectic and overwhelming.

I’m by no means an expert in traveling because we don’t do it a lot, which makes me in need of some traveling tips from some of the best mom blogs around!

Tips for Traveling with Kids - great for the holiday trips coming up!

Have you met the 20 Moms? The 20 Moms are ‘mom’ blogs that I truly adore and would recommend to anyone in a heartbeat. You can follow all their content on the 20 Must Follow Moms on Pinterest. They’re here to lend their advice for traveling with kids this holiday season!


Tips for Traveling with Kids from the 20 Moms:

Prepare the car ahead of time:

  • Consider placing a container of baby wipes in each door pocket in the car. They’re perfect for quickie clean-ups of all kinds and for wiping off dirty hands before/after eating snacks. – Tiffany, Peanut Blossom
  • Cover car seats with a crib sheet, they fit perfectly and make post-trip cleanup easier… And the bucket pulley is our best tip by far! – Rachel, Kids Activities Blog
  • Pack a travel kit of art supplies in a large plastic zipped bag for on-the-go making and memory-keeping. Things to include: crayons, washable markers, tape dispenser, scissors, simple handmade, stapled-edge books.  – Rachelle, Tinkerlab
  • Bring a potty in the car for tykes who are mostly potty-trained…  Rachel, Kids Activities Blog
  • Institute a “traveling version” of your child’s comforting lovey so the original stays safe and sound. – Tiffany, Peanut Blossom
  • Taking as little as possible is best. It may be tempting to have everything along, but managing luggage and kids can be harder work! – Maggy, Red Ted Art
  • Stock up on activities that the kids can do during a car ride. Think small, busy bags or busy play activities.

Tips for Traveling with Kids

During the road trip:

  • Plan an extra hour into travel plans for meal stops and bathroom breaks with the kids. The kids need those longer, more active breaks. I find that if we plan for it, then we aren’t as stressed about it taking the extra time. – Amanda, Not Just Cute
  • Bribery. Pack a toy in your packed luggage and promise your child they can open it if they have good behavior on the trip. – Allison, No Time for Flash Cards
  • When traveling with kids who get car sick, make sure to pack the car with supplies! A plastic bag (that zips shut) to throw up in, a brown bag to put the full plastic bag in, wipes or paper towels for clean up, and something to help freshen up (gum or mouthwash). – Jillian, A Mom with a Lesson Plan
  • Wrap up a few new toys from the dollar store and bring them out every 1-2 hours to introduce new excitement. – Anna, The Imagination Tree
  • For longer trips we choose something (maybe horses, cows or a certain type of semi for instance) and every time we see them they put a sticker on a paper, or on the back of the seat in front of them. – Alissa, Creative with Kids
  • Track miles driven that way. Ahead of time I draw a trail with boxes for every 25 miles we will be driving. They get to put a sticker in the box for each 25 mile stretch – it helps them see how far we have left to go. – Alissa, Creative with Kids
  • Play some great active music such as the Wiggles to get them moving and singing along, or longer stories and rhymes on CD for encouraging some calm down time. – Anna, The Imagination Tree
  • Keep plenty of snacks and drinks at easy access. – Anna, The Imagination Tree
  • Get children looking out the window and talking about what they see, where they are going, what towns or cities they are passing through, what cars or trucks are on the road, who is going fast or slow, which signs are big or little, short or tall, for stores or highways. Invite children to help you find an exit then pay attention to how to get back onto the highway. In other words, there is a world of learning just waiting to happen on any trip and with a little creative thinking, you can find it right outside the car window. – Deborah, Teach Preschool
  • Take another adult with you, so they can entertain the kids in the back!
  • If you’re lucky enough to have a built-in DVD player, it’ll definitely come in handy for long road trips! Pack some of the kids’ favorite movies (that they can all agree on so there’s no fighting!), put on the headphones they come with and enjoy a little peace and quiet (even if it’s just for a little bit).


Do you have a favorite go-to travel tip? Comment below!

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