Monday, December 4, 2017

How to Make This Holiday One Your Kids Will Remember

Hands On As We Grow

Click here to read How to Make This Holiday One Your Kids Will Remember on Hands On As We Grow

Every holiday season I am reminded of a guest post here on Hands On As We Grow about slowing down to make your child’s day. This post had the right message at the right time… three days before Christmas. Every year, I am reminded of this… I need to slow down.

In The Activity Room this month and next, that is what we’re doing… We are finding ways to slow down and enjoy this holiday season.

Throughout the holiday season, breathe a bit and just watch your children. Remember to say Yes occasionally when you’d normally have said No.

Spend a little extra time chatting about the next Lego set they really, really want.

Look at the holiday lights a little bit longer than usual. These are the moments that matter.

Just really, consciously, slow your mind down and let your child truly enjoy what’s going on around them.

Will it really hurt if you’re 3 minutes late?

I need this! How to slow down and make a memorable holiday for the kids.

Here are 13 ways to make this holiday season one your kids will remember.

Take these ideas and use them as inspiration to slow down a bit. To make this season special for your family without breaking the budget! Making a magical holiday doesn’t have to cost a fortune.

I need this! How to slow down and make a memorable holiday for the kids.

  1. Spend extra time writing letters to Santa. Make it extra special. Talk about each item on their list. Ask them questions, what do they want to do with it? Have older kids rank the list. Take interest in what they’re including. Then mail them!
  2. Head to Grandma’s and make Christmas cookies and candy together.
  3. Decorate your child’s room for the holidays! Do you have any old holiday decorations that you don’t put up? Use them in their rooms, they’ll love it! Or just string holiday lights around, it gives them an extra special feel.
  4. Pick a day, any day, and make it a Christmas movie day! Snuggle up and watch them together.
  5. Drive around and look at Christmas lights. Talk about what they see. Make a game of finding X number of Santa’s, or put together a Bingo game of items!
  6. Help someone in need. Wrap gifts for an elderly friend. Bake and take treats to the food shelter, decorate a neighbor’s tree, and so on.
  7. Belt out holiday songs! Put it on repeat until your child and you both learn every single word.
  8. Sip hot cocoa together. Bonus if you can do it by an open fire. If not, cuddle up under a blanket.
  9. Read them one more book! Especially holiday related ones.
  10. Talk, write or draw about the meaning of Christmas to you. Share with each other.
  11. Accept that you can’t do everything and say no to things that aren’t a priority to you or your family. Does your family enjoy doing it? Be okay with saying no.
  12. Make something together! Check out these easy Christmas crafts for inspiration.
  13. Play hooky from work or school one day and do one of these special ideas!

Bonus reading: 10 Ways to Slow Down and Make Your Child’s Day

And Remember to be grateful for what’s going on around you.

Remember to take a moment to be grateful here and there throughout the holiday season.

Feel the warmth of love that’s in your house and embrace it. And share those feelings with your kids.

Be grateful for the house over your head. The food on the table. The gifts under the tree. The love that you have for your kids, and that they have for you.

Count your blessings this holiday season!

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