Monday, April 23, 2018

Gross Motor Baby Play: Crawl and Learn

Hands On As We Grow

Click here to read Gross Motor Baby Play: Crawl and Learn on Hands On As We Grow

Build gross motor skills with this super simple activity that invited babies to crawl and learn from Julie.

Sometimes it’s the simplest activities that are the most fun! With babies, the simpler the better.

Complicated activities just don’t work for babies. This gross motor baby play idea is so simple, yet your baby will love it!

Try this fun circle of objects for more mobile babies!

Set up an obstacle course for your baby to practice crawling! It's a super cute, fun way to to build gross motor skills together.

Crawl and Learn Activity Supplies:

  • Rug or comfy and safe crawling surface.
  • Colorful blocks or toys.

Crawl and Learn Together

Since my baby started showing an interest in crawling, I’ve been excited to give her activities that encourage those gross motor skills.

I like super-simple activities for babies, and it doesn’t get any easier than this no-prep crawl and learn activity.

Here’s what we did: I set up blocks in a zig-zag pattern spaced apart on the floor. Then, I placed my baby at one end of the “obstacle course.”

Crawl and learn with your baby to develop gross motor skills

I encouraged my baby to crawl from one block to the next. I honestly think a huge part of crawling success is getting your baby motivated to make the effort.

Once babies figure out the “why,” the “how” comes pretty quickly!

The key here is to space the blocks far enough apart so that your baby has to put in a little work. Keep them close enough together that she doesn’t get too tired or overwhelmed.

Set up this  colorful scarf circle activity for more gross motor play!

This is also a great activity to get your older kids involved in, as well! My preschooler was the sweetest cheerleader for his sister.

Have your older child lay on the floor at the opposite end of the course to encourage your baby to keep moving. It’s so much fun!

Crawl and learn with your baby to develop gross motor skills

Explore sound with this sensory activity for babies!

This gross motor baby play idea is so simple on the surface, but let’s look at the depth of benefits for your baby!

There are so many levels of learning jam-packed into this simple activity.

Crawl and learn with your baby to develop key gross motor skills

Crawl and Learn Helps Baby:

  • develop gross motor coordination as she moves from block to block.
  • practice fine motor skills as she manipulates the blocks or toys in her hands.
  • practice listening skills that support emotional bonding as she moves toward the sound of your voice.
  • to expose your baby to numerous textures, which are great for sensory input. (Rough carpet, smooth toys, soft blocks, hard floor.)
  • develop language skills as you describe what you see on the blocks or toys. (I see a square, come get the red square! I see a puppy dog!)
  • develop early math skills as she anticipates the pattern of the zig-zag. (Crawl left, crawl right, crawl left, crawl right.)

Moving and learning with your baby shouldn’t be complicated or stressful. Instead, it’s all about connecting and learning together.

Love this simple baby play idea? You’ll also enjoy this textured sensory wall for tots and babies on the move.

How do you crawl and learn with your baby?

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