Thursday, April 19, 2018

Reader Guest Post: The Number Race

Hands On As We Grow

Click here to read Reader Guest Post: The Number Race on Hands On As We Grow

For reference, her original email to us (maybe add a snippet as a quote?):

Hi Jaime,

Your sight word activities inspired me to try a variety of activities with my daughter’s sight words and addition and subtraction flash cards. I would love to share her favorites (like the number race)!

Thank you.




My daughter’s kindergarten homework includes sight word and addition and subtraction flash cards. The teacher encouraged us to find creative ways to work with the flash cards. I found some inspiration from these posts {} and then developed a few of our own ideas.

The Got-it-right Race
One day my daughter moaned and groaned about doing her sight word flash cards. I thought it might help to get her up and moving. I had her stand across the kitchen from me. I held up a card and when she got it right she could run across the room to grab the card from my hand, then run back to her spot. This simple change in position changed her from moaning and groaning to asking to do it two more times!

The Number Race
We lay out all of the addition and subtraction cards, equation side up. We stand together on the other side of the room and take turns calling out a number from 0-5. Then we race across the room and collect as many cards as we can that equal the number that was called out. When we have collected all of them we race back to the other side of the room and call out another number.

– Lay out only addition or subtraction cards, not both, in the early stages with the cards.
– Collect one card at a time (running back and forth between) for a more intense activity.

The Hiding Game
The point of this game is for me to find the sight words that my daughter hides. Step 1 is to write out all the sight words so that we make sure we find them all. Next, I busy myself while she hides the flash cards. Then, as I find the sight words, she says each word and crosses it off of the list until we have found them all.

– For a quicker game eliminate the list part and just count how many cards you have to make sure you find them all.
– Or make a master list to use each time you play the game.

The Question Game
This game was inspired by Guess Who. First we lay all the sight words out on the table. She picks a word (without telling me what it is). I ask questions like:
– Does your word have 3 letters?
– Does your word have an a in it?
– Does your word begin/end with a d?

Based on her answers I flip upside down the cards that are eliminated.

Once I’ve guessed her word we reset and switch places with her asking the questions.

Alternate questions depending on what they are currently learning and what words they have could include:
– Does it rhyme with ______?
– Does it include an “ah” sound?
– Does it live on a farm?
– Etc.




PHOTOS OF THE “GOT IT RIGHT RACE”162dd481dd4452d39ea2162dd47faccf05960f21

BIO to include at the bottom:
Can be formatted like this one:

(Note: I am just getting my blog up and running but it will be officially launched before you publish this. Let me know once you have a publish date so I can set a target launch date.)

Michelle is a busy mom to a three year old and a five year old. She is the founder of Passion for a Cause (, where she helps busy moms discover an outlet for their grief.

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