Friday, May 11, 2018

Making Bubbles & Playing with Bubbles

Hands On As We Grow

Click here to read Making Bubbles & Playing with Bubbles on Hands On As We Grow

Toddlers love bubbles of all kinds! It’s fun making bubbles and letting them play in it, stirring, scooping and pouring! It’s sensory goodness!

George likes bubbles. The perfect activity for him (as a toddler) is making bubbles!

We mixed water and dish soap on a perfect day to be outside. George had a blast!

Toddlers love making bubbles!

I have this bucket that I actually got out of my great-grandma’s basement.

All I did was add some warm water to it and some dish soap. I mixed it up a bit first to get the bubbles started for George.

This is one of our favorite sensory activities for toddlers!

Explore all 25 of our fave sensory activities for kids.

Making bubbles and playing with them - simple toddler sensory activity

I also got a bunch of old utensils and whatnot from my great-grandma. We use these for our outdoor play toys.

They come in handy for activities like this, as well as the sandbox.

Scooping and stirring in bubbles

I added the utensils to the soapy water bucket and George kept busy scooping, pouring and stirring the bubbles.

Small containers and funnels were fun for him to pour into and out of.

George loves the funnel! He had fun with the funnel when we made our slimy spaghetti sensory activity as well!

Simple sensory activity - Making bubbles and playing with them!

Eventually, he moved on to cleaning.

Well, maybe just placing bubbles around and on his outdoor toys.

Cleaning up with the bubbles!

More Ideas for Making Bubbles:

More sensory activities for toddlers:

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