Thursday, May 24, 2018

Threading Cork Bead Bracelets

Hands On As We Grow

Click here to read Threading Cork Bead Bracelets on Hands On As We Grow

Cork bead bracelets are a cute and creative way to develop and build fine motor skills in kids. This great idea from Colleen is a simple and fun activity for toddlers!

Most kids are accustomed to threading beads on string or pipe cleaners to create bracelets. These DIY cork beads are a unique spin to address the fine motor skills that are needed for so many functional tasks.

Looking for more ways to build the fine motor skills of children? Try a few of these fun ideas.

Make a cork beads bracelet to practice fine motor skills with a threading activity

Cork Bead Bracelets Activity

These cork beads are so easy to make and are something just a bit different than the typical plastic beads your child might recognize.

While making the beads is a job for an adult, threading and creating a bracelet with them is perfect for older toddlers and preschool-aged children.

How to make DIY Cork Beads

You’ll need just a few materials (affiliate links for your convenience) to make these cork bead bracelets:

An adult should create the wine cork beads. A sharp knife can be used to easily cut the cork into slices. Cut the slices about 1/8-1/4  inch thick.

Next, use the hole punch to cut a hole in the center of each cork slice. A metal hole puncher should easily cut holes in the slices.

Cut a piece of the plastic cording that will be long enough to create a bracelet.

Knot one end four times to create a knot thick enough to keep the cork on the cord.

Cork bead bracelets are fun to make using cork to create beads for fine motor threading that kids will love.

Give your child the cork beads in a low tray or on a table along with the plastic cording.

Help your child to thread the beads onto the knotted string.

Cork bead bracelets are a fine motor activity that kids will love!

Threading beads is a fine motor activity that develops many skills needed for functional tasks:

  • Bilateral coordination
  • Eye-hand coordination
  • Tripod grasp
  • Pincer grasp
  • Open thumb web space
  • Arch development

Try this beaded bracelet for another fine motor activity that kids will love.

Cork bead bracelets are a fine motor craft that kids can make and wear.

Threading tip:

Tape the end of the string down on a surface so little hands can focus on the threading and not trying to hold it and thread it at the same time

These fun threading activities also help little ones build fine motor skills!

Cork bead bracelets can help kids develop and build fine motor skills like threading.

Do your kids like threading beads as much as mine do?

My two kids proudly wore their cork beads bracelets!  And I was proud of their fine motor skills.

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