Monday, February 18, 2019

Frozen Fruit Smoothie

Kids Activities Blog

This Frozen Fruit Smoothie is perfect for anyone in your home, including a picky eater! The only “prep work” is cutting and freezing  the main ingredients, so you can pull them out when you’re ready to make your smoothie. It’s the perfect meal or snack!

This recipe was first shared on Family Food Live with Holly & Chris!

Frozen Fruit SmoothieThis Frozen Fruit Smoothie starts with freezing most of your ingredients in a plastic bag.Frozen Fruit Smoothie So when you are ready to eat it, you just pull out the bag and pour it into your blender. And this recipe offers many alternatives. You can add whatever fruit you enjoy

Frozen Fruit Smoothie How To Make A Smoothie With Frozen Fruit

Shopping List:

  • 1 cup Spinach
  • 1/2 Banana, cut into pieces
  • 1/4 cup Plain Yogurt, put into ice cube trays and frozen
  • 1 cup mixed Frozen Fruit
  • 1 cup Milk


  • First put yogurt in an ice cube tray to freeze
  • Add frozen yogurt, mixed frozen fruit, banana slices and spinach in plastic bag, put in freezer
  • When ready for smoothie, add milk and frozen smoothie pack to blender
  • Serve cold

Frozen Fruit Smoothie

Are Frozen Fruit Smoothies Healthy?

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Just like any other food, fruit smoothies have the option of being healthy, or not as healthy, depending on the ingredients used. If you add yogurt, using plain yogurt is healthier than a flavored yogurt that has a higher amount of sugar. The same thing goes for any type of milk you might use: dairy, rice, almond, etc. If you choose a flavored option, such as vanilla, the sugar count increases and it’s not as healthy. When you buy frozen fruit, make sure there is no added sugar. 

Adding flaxseed meal, chia seeds, and spirulina is one way to add some nutritional benefit to your smoothies!

Frozen Fruit Smoothie

Why “Frozen Fruit” In Smoothies?

Frozen fruit adds some texture to your smoothie and thickens it. After blending your smoothie, if the consistency is too runny, either add some more frozen fruit (or ice cubes, if you’re counting calories) to thicken it up.

Don’t feel limited by fruit, either! I have added avocado into my fruit smoothies and it adds a lovely creaminess to the texture, as well as healthy fats! I have also added cucumbers, zucchini, celery, a handful or two of leafy greens… It’s fun to experiment, and usually, you can’t even taste the veggies! If anything, it just adds a crisp, fresh “green” taste to the mix!

Frozen Fruit SmoothieHow Long Can Frozen Smoothies Last?

In order to gain the maximum nutritional benefit, I would say 48 hours, tops. One of my favorite things to do, is make smoothies the night before I need them, and freeze them in a mason jar. As soon as my alarm goes off in the morning, I pull it out of the freezer and let it thaw while I get ready for the day. No stress, and no prep during the weekday mornings!

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Looking For More Healthy Recipes?

Check these out:

Comment below with your favorite smoothie recipes! 

The post Frozen Fruit Smoothie appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

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