Monday, August 17, 2020

Sand Drawing for Kids to Create Art in the Sandbox

Hands On As We Grow®

Click here to read Sand Drawing for Kids to Create Art in the Sandbox on Hands On As We Grow®

This simple sandbox activity is a big hit! Make outdoor-friendly picture frames for kids, and draw in the sand.

Fine motor and learning through messy art!

What sandbox art will your child create?

This simple sandbox activity is a big hit! Make outdoor-friendly picture frames for kids, and draw in the sand. Fine motor and learning through messy art! What fun art will your child create?

My kids love to play in the sandbox. The messier the better!

We put together this super low prep toddler sandbox play art idea. I love that it encourages pre-writing and fine motor skills!

For more sandbox activity ideas, check out these epic sandbox activities that kids will love!

If it’s summer and not raining, my kids are guaranteed to be playing outside. We love outdoor play!

Getting outdoors helps my kids unwind, spend their energy, create, and explore.

Playing outside not only encourages exercise and appreciation of nature but also builds executive function and creativity.

For my toddler, it’s also a great experience to encourage motor skills.

Outdoor play naturally lends itself to gross motor play, but did you know there are plenty of ways to develop fine motor skills in your backyard?

We recently created a twist on sandbox play with these fun foam picture frames.

If your little one doesn’t like to draw or color, try this simple activity to encourage those fine motor skills in the sandbox!

This sand drawing activity for kids is super quick to set up! And you’ll be able to pull out these picture frames for playtime after time.

Do your kids love playing outdoors? They’ll love this cute tin can forest for outdoor pretend play.

Sand Drawing for Kids Sandbox Activity

For this sandbox activity you’ll need:

  • Foam Sheets
  • Scissors
  • Markers
  • Sandbox
  • Sticks or Twigs

Prep the Picture Frames for Kids Sand Drawings

This sandbox activity is so simple to prep.

I used foam sheets and cut out rectangles and ovals from the middle.

Make foam frames for the kids to use in the sandbox

Then I decorated around the edges of the frames.

Simple frames for sand drawing for kids
Decorate your frames to make them more exciting

I drew letters, shapes, and numbers since that’s what my toddler is working on.

But you could decorate anything, or even let the kids decorate their own sand drawing frames!

If you don’t have foam sheets, try using cardboard or old photo frames. It just needs to be sturdy enough to withstand outdoor play in the sand or dirt.

Find Sticks to Use as “Pencils” for Sandbox Art Activity

Once outside, I sent my kids on a mission to find the perfect stick to use as their pencils for drawing in the sand.

If you want to get creative, you could even collect objects to use as stamps to make interesting shapes in the sand.

For more fine motor practice, your toddler will love this fun fine motor leaf-cutting activity!

Now the Kids Write, Draw, and Create a Sand Drawing masterpiece!

My toddler and even the older kids got right down to business.

The kids each chose their favorite color from the picture frames and started drawing and writing in the sand.

Set your frames out in the sandbox
Kids sand drawing activity for the sandbox
Sandbox activity for your kids to create art and build fine motor.
Learning letters drawing in the sandbox.

Here are some sand drawing ideas to get your kids started:

  • Practice letters.
  • Write your name.
  • Draw dots or shapes and count them.
  • Create a pattern.
  • Make an artwork!

Is doesn’t get more fun than this! Check out this classic outdoor activity and roll down a hill!

Your Turn

Does your child love to play in the sandbox? This simple sandbox activity is a fun twist on learning and fine motor skills!

What are your favorite toddler sandbox play ideas? Share below!

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