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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Mirror Play

Toddler Activities from Familyeducation.com http://ift.tt/1AdEsUR Your toddler will love this silly, no-mess game of drawing on a mirror.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Ice Cube Painting

Toddler Activities from Familyeducation.com http://ift.tt/1yhsOmc A sprinkling of powdered tempera paint plus a sliding ice cube will make painting more fun and exciting.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Gab About

Toddler Activities from Familyeducation.com http://ift.tt/1vcRhNP This activity teaches your child about the telephone and its uses.

Paper Plate Birds with Movable Wings

Kids Activities Blog http://ift.tt/1yCT09G Paper Plate Birds with Movable Wings - by Amanda Formaro

Making crafts from paper plates, like these colorful paper plate birds, is an inexpensive and fun activity for kids. Let them choose the patterned paper and the color of paint to truly make this craft their own. When you’re done, try out some more paper plate crafts for tomorrow afternoon!

Paper Plate Birds with Movable Wings - by Amanda Formaro

Paper fasteners are inexpensive and you get a lot of them in a box! You can find them at dollar stores, discount department stores and office supply stores.

Paper Plate Birds with Movable Wings - by Amanda Formaro

Paper Plate Birds with Movable Wings

You’ll want to protect your table with newspaper or a plastic table cloth. Have kids wear smocks and put water into heavy mugs for cleaning brushes as there’s less chance of them tipping over than a lightweight plastic cup.

You will need:

  • 2 paper plates

  • Scrapbook paper

  • Craft paint

  • 3 googly eyes

  • 1 brown pipe cleaner

  • 3 paper fasteners

  • Tools: scissors, paintbrush, glue stick, white craft glue

Two paper plates will make 3 birds. If you only want to make one bird, that’s totally fine! You will just have scrap pieces of paper plate left over.

Paper Plate Birds with Movable Wings - by Amanda Formaro

Cut both paper plates in half. Take one of the halves and cut it into six equal pieces. Set the six small pieces aside.

Paint the three paper plate halves and set them aside to dry.

Paper Plate Birds with Movable Wings - by Amanda Formaro

Place scrapbook paper on the table face down. Apply glue stick to two of the small plate pieces then turn them over and press them to the back side of the scrapbook paper. Repeat for the other small pieces and set aside to dry.

Paper Plate Birds with Movable Wings - by Amanda Formaro

When dry, trim off the excess scrapbook paper but cutting around the triangular shaped plate pieces. These are your wings. Set them aside.

Paper Plate Birds with Movable Wings - by Amanda Formaro

Now that the paper plate halves are dry, paint an orange beak onto one corner of each one. Glue on a googly eye.

Paper Plate Birds with Movable Wings - by Amanda Formaro

Use a craft knife or pair of scissors to poke a hole in the center of the paper plate bird body. Also poke a hole into each wing, about about 1.5-inches above the pointed end of the triangle wing.

Paper Plate Birds with Movable Wings - by Amanda Formaro

Insert the paper fastener through one of the wings (on the scrapbook paper side) then through the plate, and finally through the second wing. Secure the fastener at the back of the bird.

Paper Plate Tropical Fish by Amanda Formaro

Looking for another fun paper plate craft? Try these colorful paper plate tropical fish – great for decorating your playroom!

Paper Plate Birds with Movable Wings - by Amanda Formaro

Have fun!

Amanda Formaro, Crafts by Amanda

The post Paper Plate Birds with Movable Wings appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Alphabet Puzzle

Toddler Activities from Familyeducation.com http://ift.tt/1ByZfjA Help your child learn her ABCs!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Painted Pasta Jewelry

Toddler Activities from Familyeducation.com http://ift.tt/1BmfpKv Who knew pasta was good for painting?

Monday, January 26, 2015

Object Matchup

Toddler Activities from Familyeducation.com http://ift.tt/1JTzlc8 Challenge your toddler to match an object with its traced outline in this fun activity.

Milk Paint Popcorn Rainbow

Kids Activities Blog http://ift.tt/18jtr8S Milk Paint Popcorn Rainbow

Kids love art projects, and milk paint is something that you can make in literally moments and start having some fun with it. There are lots of ways to make homemade paint for the kids, but milk paint requires only two simple ingredients.

Milk Paint Popcorn Rainbow

Make a Popcorn Rainbow with Milk Paint

This art activity combines several learning opportunities. Teach kids about the colors of the rainbow, talk about absorption as the milk soaks into the popcorn, and talk about how a prism works!

Important Note

It’s important to note that this is a temporary art project. The milk paint will soak into the popcorn, causing the popcorn to shrink. Imagine placing a piece of popcorn into your mouth and waiting a moment. What happens? The popcorn begins to shrink as the saliva in your mouth reaches it. After this project has dried, it will not be as pretty as it is when your child first makes it. The popcorn kernels will dry and shrivel and the glue will be visible on the paper behind it along with the oils that were in the popcorn.

You will need:

  • Light blue construction paper

  • Popped popcorn

  • Milk

  • Food coloring

  • Small paintbrush

  • White glue

Milk Paint Popcorn Rainbow

  1. Draw a simple half circle onto the paper and line the top with white glue.

  2. Press the popcorn into the glue and continue until you have six layers.

  3. Mix food coloring into the milk to create red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

  4. Use a small paintbrush to drop milk paint onto the popcorn.

  5. Glue unpainted popcorn to the ends of the rainbow as clouds.

Milk Paint Popcorn Rainbow

While this isn’t a piece of art that you’ll be able to keep around forever, it is a fun activity for kids and a great way to discuss art, colors and science!

Have fun!

Amanda Formaro, Crafts by Amanda

The post Milk Paint Popcorn Rainbow appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Michelangelo's Bathroom

Toddler Activities from Familyeducation.com http://ift.tt/18irR79 If your toddler hates getting water on her face when her hair is being washed, try this easy activity.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Paper Plate Numbers

Toddler Activities from Familyeducation.com http://ift.tt/1EhrAhS Take paper plates and add some dots and numerals to represent numbers. Then use them for matching game or display them in your child, are used for display or as a game.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Car Book

Toddler Activities from Familyeducation.com http://ift.tt/1yFFbMr Cut out car pictures from magazines, and make a car book with your toddler.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Wash the Floor

Toddler Activities from Familyeducation.com http://ift.tt/1JfEXit This early childhood activity teaches your toddler responsibility by having him shadow his parent's actions.

Cardboard Tube Pirate Craft

Kids Activities Blog http://ift.tt/1BKf3m3 cardboard tube pirate feature

This fun pirate craft for kids doubles as a finger puppet. Make several with your friends, using different colored paper for each one and make an entire scurvy crew. Make it a full afternoon of being a pirate by making this play sword as well!

Cardboard Tube Pirate Craft

Pirate Craft from a Cardboard Tube

If you’re going to play like a pirate, you have to be able to talk like one too. Here are some pirate sayings and what they mean!

  1. Ahoy Matey! (Hello friend or shipmate)

  2. Shiver Me Timbers! (exclamation of surprise)

  3. Me hearty (my friend)

  4. Seadog (experienced seaman)

  5. Avast (stop and look)

  6. Aye Aye (yes, I’ll do it)

  7. Booty (treasure)

  8. Landlubber (person who lives or works on land)

  9. Jolly Roger (skull and crossbones pirate flag)

You will need:

  • 4-inch cardboard tube

  • Black and white paper

  • Red and peach crayon

  • 2 googly eyes

  • 5-inch square piece of bandana or fabric

  • Scissors

  • Hot glue gun

  • Glue stick

  • Black marker

Cardboard Tube Pirate Craft

  • Glue the edges of the black and white paper together.

  • You will need 1 1/2 inches of black and 2 1/2 inches of white.

  • Color the top 1 1/2 inches of the white paper with a peach crayon.

  • On the remaining white paper, draw red stripes.

  • Glue the finished paper around the cardboard tube.

Cardboard Tube Pirate Craft

  • Fold the fabric square in half, point to point, to create a triangle.

  • Lay the peach end of the cardboard tube onto the straight edge of the fabric.

  • Bring one corner of the triangle up around the tube and glue in place.

  • Fold the top part of the triangle down onto the tube and glue in place.

  • Fold the third corner around the tube and glue in place.

Cardboard Tube Pirate Craft

  • Fold a piece of black paper in half and cut a fat S shape, keeping the top of the “S” at the crease in the paper. Unfold and glue mustache to the face.

  • Glue googly eyes in place.

  • Cut a small black triangle for the beard and glue in place.

  • add eyebrows with black marker.

Cardboard Tube Pirate Craft

Yo Ho Ho! Hope you have fun time making this project Matey!

Looking for more? Try my paper bag pirate puppet too!

Amanda Formaro, Crafts by Amanda

The post Cardboard Tube Pirate Craft appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Brush Our Teeth

Toddler Activities from Familyeducation.com http://ift.tt/1CE2iGw Teach your child about good hygiene and show him how to brush his teeth with this activity.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Walking through the Jungle

Toddler Activities from Familyeducation.com http://ift.tt/1KZxrKr Have your toddler walk through the jungle and mime the actions suggested by each animal in the rhyme.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Round and Round the Garden

Toddler Activities from Familyeducation.com http://ift.tt/1511Tml This toddler rhyme activity pairs actions with words.

25 Roast Recipes to Make Your Mouth Water

Kids Activities Blog http://ift.tt/1BY8afT 25 Roast Recipes to Make Your Mouth Water

Finding the perfect roast recipe is different for each family. I can remember as a child sitting down to Sunday dinner and smelling my grandmother’s roast beef before it hit the table. It was sliced perfectly and oh so juicy, everyone at the table was chomping at the bit! As I grew up I learned that there’s more than one way to roast a cut of meat.

25 Roast Recipes to Make Your Mouth Water

25 Mouth Watering Roast Recipes

While there are many different cuts of meat we’ve collected several different beef cuts, some pork roasts and recipes for roasting chicken. You may also love roast goose or duck, and of course roast lamb and venison among others.

25 Roast Recipes to Make Your Mouth Water

Beef Chuck Roasts

25 Roast Recipes to Make Your Mouth Water

Beef Round or Rump Roasts

25 Roast Recipes to Make Your Mouth Water

Beef Top Sirloin or Sirloin Tip Roasts

25 Roast Recipes to Make Your Mouth Water

Beef Brisket

25 Roast Recipes to Make Your Mouth Water

Pork Roasts

Pork is tricky It’s one of those meats that can quickly dry out if not cooked properly. The key to a deliciously juicy pork roast is the right temperature. So be sure to use your meat thermometer!

25 Roast Recipes to Make Your Mouth Water

Roast Chicken

Probably the most cooked type of poultry on the planet, chicken is a household favorite. Roasting it who is truly a treat.

Amanda Formaro, Crafts by Amanda

The post 25 Roast Recipes to Make Your Mouth Water appeared first on Kids Activities Blog.